
Training Services

Training Services


Training Services

Training Services


Unfortunately, due to very little local demand/interest, we no longer offer training or classes here.

We refer training inquiries to Dan Lewis who has 40 years of training dogs of all shapes, sizes, ages & temperaments. Dan does training visits in your own home and these can be scheduled directly with Dan by calling 505-209-0867.

Dan can help with anything from teaching your wild puppy manners & basic obedience to your adult dog's aggression issues.  He uses positive reinforcement methods, rewarding good behavior and redirecting behavior you do not want.   Dan offers private lessons on an ongoing or as needed basis. Private lessons with Dan will provide you - the guardian - with the instruction & training tools necessary to reinforce the lessons at home.   Homework sheets individualized to your dog & situation are given after each class, so you remember what to practice at home between classes.   We all want a dog who comes when called, doesn’t jump on company or steal food from the table.   Good behavior starts with training from (ideally) an early age! Early positive training will establish you as leader and lay the foundation for a lifetime of good behavior.  


Puppy Kindergarten

Puppy Kindergarten





Down, Wait

Down, Wait

Call us at (505) 863-DOGS (3647) or email us at info@laughingdogkennel.com

Dan pictured below with a happy student!
